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Helping you design success!
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Helping you design success!
استشارات فردية
استشارات تجارية ( للشركات )
تأسيس المشاريع
نحن متخصصون في تأسيس المشاريع من البداية إلى التسليم
ونقدم مجموعة واسعة من الخدمات.
Lets talk discuss , consultancy is the art of utilizing brains
The art of consulting teaches you:
1- Clearly define the priorities in your life, work, and project.
2- Reducing the gap between the watc
استشارات فردية
استشارات تجارية ( للشركات )
تأسيس المشاريع
نحن متخصصون في تأسيس المشاريع من البداية إلى التسليم
ونقدم مجموعة واسعة من الخدمات.
Lets talk discuss , consultancy is the art of utilizing brains
The art of consulting teaches you:
1- Clearly define the priorities in your life, work, and project.
2- Reducing the gap between the watch and the compass.
3- Focus on priorities and reduce work on unimportant matters.
4- It provides you with balance as much as possible between the different aspects of life (and what is meant by balance here is to give each aspect its right and not to prejudice it)
توجيهات المناسبة من خبير في مجال الأعمال
تكوين رؤية واضحة لأهدافك وكيفية تحقيقها
تجنب الأخطاء الشائعة التي يرتكبها رواد الأعمال
تطوير مهاراتك وقدراتك التجارية.
الاستشارات التجارية أداة قيمة لرواد الأعمال من جميع المستويات من الخبرة. وتساعد الراغبين في تحقيق أهدافهم وبناء عمل تجاري ناجح.
دراسة المخاطر والجدوى
دراسة المخاطر و الجدوى هي أداة أساسي
توجيهات المناسبة من خبير في مجال الأعمال
تكوين رؤية واضحة لأهدافك وكيفية تحقيقها
تجنب الأخطاء الشائعة التي يرتكبها رواد الأعمال
تطوير مهاراتك وقدراتك التجارية.
الاستشارات التجارية أداة قيمة لرواد الأعمال من جميع المستويات من الخبرة. وتساعد الراغبين في تحقيق أهدافهم وبناء عمل تجاري ناجح.
دراسة المخاطر والجدوى
دراسة المخاطر و الجدوى هي أداة أساسية لأي مشروع جديد أو فكرة استثمارية. إذا كنت تفكر في إطلاق مشروع جديد أو توسيع أعمالك الحالية، فأنت بحاجة إلى دراسة مخاطر و جدوى قوية.
There is a problem that many companies and people fall into, because they are immersed in achieving their commitments and goals, and yet they are not productive! And their lives are just reactions, like someone who climbs the ladder of success step by step, and when he reaches the end of the ladder, he finds that the ladder is propped against the wrong wall.
What is the cause of this problem?
And how can it be treated?
تدريب مجموعة
يساعد التدريب المشاركين على تطوير استراتيجية جذب عملاء فعالة لأعمالهم التجارية الناشئة وذلك من خلال التعرف على عملائهم واحتياجاتهم وتطوير استراتيجية تسويقية مناسبة تجذب المزيد من العملاء وتحقيق أهدافهم التجارية
تدريب مجموعة
يساعد التدريب المشاركين على تطوير استراتيجية جذب عملاء فعالة لأعمالهم التجارية الناشئة وذلك من خلال التعرف على عملائهم واحتياجاتهم وتطوير استراتيجية تسويقية مناسبة تجذب المزيد من العملاء وتحقيق أهدافهم التجارية
Your business life is busy enough, so let us make sure your fridge is stocked with the freshest greens all year long
Many believe that success is one aspect of their life, which is only the professional aspect. Unfortunately, he will realize that he was wrong late in his life, that he neglected and fell short in some or most of his other aspects of his life. When he reaches the end of the ladder, he finds that he wasted a long time in the wrong place, and that he will not have time to compensate Because it is really irreplaceable and here we are talking about the lost balance.
Consultant Global Services , a Group of Consultant from KUWAIT , SWEDEN ,UK & USA . forming the Consultant Global Management Consulting and Project managements offering Business Personal Consultancy Service to High managements in a non Conventional criteria , assisting in problem solving , decision making , checking the operational performance , directing to-gripping investments , projects managing , providing market intelligence data , assisting in mergers , and acquisitions , in transparent , sincere , honest , offering our Consultancy Services based on our best knowledge and long experience , high skills in many different arenas , investing our long experiences , abilities to support managements with Business Strategies , planning , setting up , could be as a second opinion apart from other contracted studies and analysis , in the fields on Business industries , Oil and Gas , Manufacturing , logistics and Transportation , Medical services , business opportunities investments , when browse and visit our website , you will explore the services we provide , whether you an a Consultant provided This is a long form consultancy area designed for your business that you can fill up with as many services as your Business require .
Mission : provide a unique Strategic Business Personal Consultancy Services.
Our Policies is to provide you with right proper credible , accountable points of views and advice to assist and guide the strength of your businesses .
Communication Procedures with Clients :
Clients from Kuwait. appointments will be scheduled for a meeting to discuss all requirements.
For Clients Outside Kuwait : Communications will be via Skype Conference video Calls , emails , telephone calls ….etc.
For all Business Consultancy Services Meetings , the Clients will provide the Travel expenses and all related expenses .
Payments Terms & Conditions :
- the Amount Value of the Consultancy Service will be quoted to client .
For the Hourly Consultancy Services
Payments can be made via our website , PAYPAL and other Payments methods.
For Contractual Consultancy Services , an agreement will be constructed and define all aspects .
Executive profiles –
Consultant Global is managed by a well experienced management that teaches and coaches executives and leadership.
Operation Performance Check :
The Operations Performance of a Company , Hotels , Banks , Hospitals , Manufacturers , Restaurants , ...etc .
Requires our offered :
" Hidden Client " Services
This Services can be provided with high and extreme confidentiality .
A full report will be submitted to the client , exposing all the hidden defects , and pin pointing all the weaknesses factors to be rectified to adjust the performance curve higher .
Deliver a unique Strategic Business Consultancy Services.
to Provide the right proper credible, accountable points of views and advice to assist and guide the strength of your businesses.
working with connections diverse range of companies and organizations in all Europe, France, Scandinavia, Middle East What's a product or service you'd like to show.
We provide Decisions Making Techniques
Our new theories - Listen - Think - Analyse - Action
A Communication thereby
العلاقات العامة
العلاقات العامة تلعب دورًا مهمًا في نجاح الشركات والأفراد والمرشحين. فهي تساعد على بناء الوعي بالعلامة التجارية، وتعزيز السمعة، وخلق علاقات إيجابية مع الجمهور.
مزايا العلاقات العامة
Companies Business Owners - Managers - CEO's - Chairmen - High Rank Officers , we have dealt with and Advised successfully
We appreciate communications with our clients , feel free to contact any time .
Thank you
73 Boulevard De Valmy, 92700 Colombes, France
FRANCE Tel : +33769490980 SWEDEN & EUROPE TURKEY EGYPT & GCC Adam Pisk Australia: +614 8002 7311
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